Wednesday 12 June 2024

Wednesday 12th June

 Eagles all over the shop today, with Goldies sighted at Gruinart, Gorm and The Oa and some unsavoury White-Tail action at Claggain Bay. 

Steve had two Red Throated Divers at Kilnaughton this morning and later 2 Eider Ducks with 3 chicks.

Adding on to his sightings from yesterday, Simon had 2 Ringed Plover and 5 Sanderling at Saligo.

Our volunteers at RSPB Loch Gruinart saw a pair of Hen Harrier off the moorland trail. 

Outside of bird news, I had several Dew Moth and huge numbers of Marsh Fritillary enjoying the sun on The Oa.

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