Monday 24 June 2024

Monday 24th June

A cloudy and misty start turned into a bright and warm sunny day.

Linden and James were out and about at RSPB Gruinart noting White-tailed Eagle, 3 Hen Harriers, Whinchat, Blackcap and Whitethroat. On the other side of Gruinart at Killinallan, Kath Butterworth saw Little Tern, 17 Bar-tailed Godwits, and Golden Plover in summer plumage. It was Jackie Wedd's last day until she returns in October. Venturing to Loch Skerrols she found Long-tailed Tits, Siskins and Goldcrests. Of non-avian interest were Common Hawker dragonfly and Common Lizard and Ringlet butterfly.

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