Sunday, 28 June 2009

Sun 28th June

A final contribution from our visiting friends, Chris and Tony Johnson, who left for home yesterday. Many thanks for your entries over the past fortnight.
"Saturday 27th June. The last day of our holiday. There were Whitethroat, Redpoll, Greenfinch, Dunnock and Willow warbler singing at Bunnahabhain, but a different song was detected. Sure enough it was the Common rosefinch which had been reported earlier in the week, singing loudly and distinctively from the power lines and looking like a slim Corn Bunting. out towards Rhuvaal, and the moorland was starred with the yellow flowers of Bog asphodel. Painted lady, Red admiral, Marsh and green fritillaries were seen. Along the way, families of Whinchat and Stonechat were noted. The final species of the two week visit, was the elusive Yellowhammer, with 2 male birds singing from the power lines. As we left Bunnahabhain, a brave Swallow was mobbing a ringtail Hen Harrier over the distillery. On the way down to the ferry, Grasshopper warblers were reeling, and a Kestrel was mobbing a Buzzard.
From the ferry, good views were had of a Golden Eagle over the Islay hills, a wonderful farewell for a wonderful holiday".

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