Saturday, 22 March 2025

Saturday 22nd March

Cloudier with a moderate northerly breeze and light rain a lot of the time from late morning onwards.

The Hoopoe was present again in the same area of the road between Gruinart and Ardnave - Martin Armstrong taking some better photos. The bird is still keenly feeding a lot of the time on the grass growing down the middle of the road - a dangerous thing to do, but apparently productive, with Clive McK. identifying Cranefly larvae and pupae in its diet.

Other news:

A total of 6 Coal Tits seen by Louise Muir at Craighouse on Jura this morning, apparently rallying round another that had flown against a window and was temporarily out of action. Clive McK. had a count of 36 Lesser Black-backed Gulls at the Bridgend gull roost this evening, and arriving visitor Andrew Whitehouse had an impressive count of birds from the ferry this afternoon - most of them between Kennacraig and Gigha: Great Northern Divers 89, Red-throated Divers 17, Red-breasted Mergansers 33, Common Scoters 8 and a single Manx Shearwater.

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