Winds still from the east, but dry and not quite so cold today.
Clive McK. sent in a video clip of a very white winged Barn Owl hunting at Eresaid yesterday afternoon.
Olivier Joly was watching 11 Choughs up beyond Ardnave this morning while Chris Mills was at Machair Bay with 12 Gannets, 6 Kittiwakes, 3 Red-throated Divers and 8 Black Guillemots offshore, plus a further 2 Choughs in the dunes and a young White-tailed Eagle in the area.
John Matthews was finding plenty of eagles - 2 Golden at Tynacoille and another at Kilchoman, with a White-tailed at Loch Gorm. He also had a male Hen Harrier near the RSPB Visitor Centre in the afternoon. Up at Ardnave in the later afternoon he found the flock of Choughs - 30 in all, plus 5 whooper Swans, 6 Goldeneye and 6 Tufted Ducks on the loch.
Steve Williams also had 2 White-tailed Eagles up at Gruinart, another Hen Harrier by Eresaid then 3 Bullfinch and a Dipper in Bridgend Woods, finishing with a Barn Owl between Bridgend and Bowmore this evening.
I took a walk around Loch Skerrols in the afternoon finding it completely free of Tufted Ducks, but with 2 female-type Goosanders and a drake Goldeneye in residence.
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