Friday 7th February 2025
A sunny day with, at times, a coldish easterly wind, but otherwise very pleasant for Will Scott on his last full day here when he ended with a bang - sighting the wintering Red-breasted Goose among the Barnacle Geese on the Gruinart Flats. This is the first report on the blog since 20th November, though apparently a sighting of it on 29th December was posted on the BirdGuides website by someone who, sadly, presumably didn't know about this blog. Not content with this find, Will also spotted a Cackling Goose X Barnacle Goose at Gruinart hybrid, likely the one that was seen there back in early November.
Additional highlights from Gruinart by Will this morning included 4000 Barnacle Geese, 35 Pintails, 1,000 Golden Plovers, 74 Redshanks, 150 Dunlins, at least 2 White-tailed Eagles, Golden Eagle, Merlin, Peregrine, Chough, 2 Little Egrets, 16 Fieldfares and a Yellowhammer.
I missed a report by Will of a Great Spotted Woodpecker yesterday at Trudernish, but was reminded by a record of one today at Balaclava from Ed B. Presumably they are beginning to be a bit noisy!
In the early afternoon, Lance Degnan carried out the circular walk on The Oa and saw 50 Twite by the car park, 2 Stonechats, and "a magnificent 4 White-tailed Eagles circling over the American Monument, later joined by 2 Golden Eagles". At much the same time, Will was back at Bowmore where he counted 29 Common Scoters, 3 Long-tailed Ducks, 4 Goldeneyes, 5 Slavonian Grebes, 3 Red-throated Divers (1 looking ill heading towards the harbour) and 3 Greenshanks, which flew up the Loch towards Bridgend. A little later, there were 4 Greenshanks off Gartnatra, presumably involving the 3 that flew past Bowmore.
Finally, Lance went to Gruinart and duly found the Red-breasted Goose. Here are two photographs, supplied by Will Scott, of the Redbreast and the Cackling X Barnacle hybrid.
Many thanks, Will, for these and for all the records you've supplied this week. It gives us locals satisfaction when visiting birders, often coming a long way, have a good time here.