What an evening it turned out to be.....
Whilst resting up at Loch Gruinart, we were all quite content in watching the tide coming in, and the waders coming in to roost at the top of the loch, as well as the Shelduck bobbing about on the water itself. But no, behind us the Corncrake could be heard quite clearly, and then on looking across the loch, what was to top it all, but an Osprey. It was third time lucky for the Osprey, before it managed to catch a fish and then it took off from the loch before landing on a gate post. It must have remained there for at least 20 minutes as we watched expecting it to take off again. Eventually it did leave before heading inland carrying its fish. Was this the same bird that was reported as being seen at Loch Skerrols yesterday? We were also fortunate to hear Whitethroat and Chiffchaff calling. Michal had been out on the saltflats on Monday evening and had 55 Ringed Plover, 330 Dunlin, 1 Grey Plover, 72 Oystercatcher, 36 Shelduck and 3 Whimbrel. This evening there were also a pair of Shoveler on the floods, could they be staying here to breed? MS, MAB & IKB
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